Compulsory Purchase Order

Compulsory Purchase Order Law

We offer a comprehensive service on Compulsory Purchase Law dealing with all scales of compulsory purchase orders, from the National Roads Authority, to local authorities, to the ESB and various other state bodies including NAMA.

We have handled many compulsory purchase cases from the very initial stages right through to full challenges in the High Court and Supreme Court.

We work with other experienced professionals in this area including specialist consultants, planners and valuers. We will co-ordinate a team of experts to help you deal with the CPO to the fullest extent.

Specialist areas include:

  • Advising on notice to treat and notice of entry
  • Wayleave agreements
  • Rights of way
  • Objections
  • An Bord Pleanála Oral hearings
  • Judicial review proceedings challenging CPOs
  • Public hearing representation
  • Arbitration hearings
  • Transfer of property